Practice Areas

Whether your financial picture is complex or simple, there are a full range of strategies and solutions to achieve the vision you have for your loved ones. Estate planning is not just for the aged or the wealthy.

Suffering a serious injury is always painful and stressful enough, but the financial worries coupled with the knowledge that someone else’s negligence, recklessness, or intentional actions caused these problems for you can be too much.

The landlord tenant relationship is a constant struggle and, from time to time, issues can arise during the relationship. In Virginia, the laws, or sometimes even the contracts themselves, require certain steps to be taken by one or both parties.

Commercial real estate transactions are complex as they can span multiple jurisdictions and mix financial, regulatory, and operational issues. There are numerous ways to mess up a deal so why risk losing the deal when you don’t have to.

Debtors can be difficult to deal with whether they have multiple excuses, fail to communicate, or are difficult to locate. You don’t need the frustration or the hassle; you need an advocate.

As New York Times Best Selling Author David Rose said, “being an entrepreneur is one of the greatest ways to make the world a better place.” However, fear of failure or the unknown have prevented many businesses from succeeding or even being formed.

Financial hardship is stressful on anyone, let alone the never-ending phone calls and mail. Our nation’s bankruptcy laws are designed to give people who have fallen on hard times with the relief and fresh start that they need to get back on track.

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